Sunday, 18 November 2012

Traditional Musical Instruments Turned Hi-Tech example is Electric upright brass

In the early of the 20th century, makers of instruments created electric double bass; it is a stringed instrument with a sound amplifier with electronic controls. But Musicians call this instrument “electric upright bass” because they wanted to avoid confusion in Electric Upright Bass and the bass guitar. EUBs have wooden or metal bars. It helps the EUB to rest against the musician body in a position. Electric upright bass can also be connected to headphones. Today many varieties of EUB are available; some EUBs cannot be used with a bow because of its large radius and the flatness of   bridge. Electric Upright Bass is played in the same way like the double bass since it have a hollow sound chamber, or only includes a small sound chamber that greatly reduces the size and weight of the instrument.

Usually, instruments are with four strings that also include the viola and cello parts of it and are similar to double bass, it is a modern twist in acoustic cello that is later discovered as an Electric Cello. Cello Strings are available in different variety of natural and synthetic materials. Cello Strings has several advantages like its capacity for sound effects allows it to create huge variety of sounds.

Another four string instrument called the Electric viola is like a instrument exists between Electric violin and Electric Cello .The Electric viola string is constructed closely seems like electric violin, but its size is different form violin.

Later electric violin was adapted by Yamaha and became famous by the name of Yamaha Electric Violin that is more advanced, this way technology made music industry more hi-tech and Yamaha Electric Violin is the first choice of people today.

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Electronic Violin A Modern Conventional Musical Instruments

Technology is expanding and trying to make advance in every field like medicine, engineering etc, as well as technology made music field advanced. Yes you heard it right, technology have taken many new changes in music. Come let’s know about it.

Technology developed musical instruments and made it better like Violin, a musical instrument with strings but technology made it better and an advanced instrument came in light called an Electric Violin. It is an instrument arranged with an output of its rhythm which improves quality of music. It is properly referred to a music instrument made purposely to make it electrified; usually with a solid body. Solid-body Electric Violin has a non-traditional design. Lately, materials such as, carbon fibers glass and, Kevlar are used to make it light. After all the improvements makers see it just as “experimental” instruments because this was less established than electric guitar or bass.

Electric Double Bass are commonly made of lightweight steel and bass has four or five strings. Before playing it each string must be tightened properly .The voice of the electric double bass is the lowest of all stringed instruments .In playing electric double bass your height matters. The common size of the double bass is 3/4 size. Sizes that recommended for children are1/2 size, 3/4 size and 4/4 size. The parts which are used in Electric Double Bass are Tail Spike or Endpin, Tailpiece, F-Hole, Bridge, Neck and Fingerboard, Strings, Pegs and Pegbox, Scroll.

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